Elizabeth Magana

Wonderland Ornaments

Wonderland Ornaments

Package Design

This was a two package designs of Christmas ornaments. One is a set of three smaller ornaments and the other is a larger specialty ornament. The name of the ornament company was Wonderland and these packages went through a redesign phase. It originally looked like an old style with burlap texture. The revamped style was based off of the new concept of “Pirates celebrating Christmas” giving it more character. The visual inspiration was pirate maps that showed a trail to treasure. The decision was made to avoid the cliché style of treasure maps that looked like old paper textures.

A fresher color palette was picked for the overall design in order for it to pop out more on a shelf of Christmas decorations that have the classic red and green colors. With this blue ocean aesthetic to the package the
design would stand out against competition. The water and island were drawn digitally and illustrations were added to show the map and the danger that may lie down the path. A trail was threaded and scanned in then applied to the top of the graphic to give it hand crafted feel. There were also silhouettes of an ornament and a Christmas tree added it to connect it to the holiday. The ornaments inside of the packages were also personally made to complement the concept. The set of three look like underwater bubble glasses with a cork because of their strange shape compared to ornaments. The gold pellets inside represent gold that the pirates would be in search for and the wooden tree in the specialty ornament represents the wooden leg of a pirate.