Elizabeth Magana
Behance Babble_Page_7.jpg

Babble Juice

Behance Babble_Page_7.jpg


Package Design

This was a package design project done on organic juice. The juice bottles were designed to stand out against competition on a store shelf. The concept behind the package design was “Office Talk gets Juicy,” which referred to gossip in an office work area. The name chosen for it was Babble Juice, which referenced juicy gossip. This organic juice was directed to be a healthier boost of energy through out the day for people who worked in nine to five office jobs. This was a less caffeinated and sugared option that would be available to the public.

The main graphics were cartooned drawings of an animal’s head on a human body that was chattering. They were personally illustrated digitally and represented an exaggerated version of people who liked to chatter in the work place. Each animal character was personified in the manner they were drawn and the mouth on the sticky note. A logo was made to match the overall style along with humorous hand written quotes on one side of each juice carton. The funny phrases were something that could lighten the mood throughout a workday. On the side of the phrases there were icons of office supplies. The outer packaging of the set included office supplies including thumbtacks, staples, paper clips, sticky notes, and scissors as the handle. This brought the whole idea back to the main concept of the office. The whole outer container could be reused with the office supplies and pencil holders.