Elizabeth Magana

Escritura Bookbinding Kit

escritura bookbinding kit

Package Design

The idea for this seven-part kit was to have a Bookbinding Kit that offered simple materials to stitch a sketch book. The kit was named Escritura and included needles, thread, davey board with paper, binder’s glue, cup with brush, bone folder, heavy and light duty awls. The concept was that this would give the impression of illustrations from the time Gutenberg studio was around. On the packages there were images added to them that are a sketched etching style of a printing press. They all have a different image referencing the printing press in some manner.

Afterwards the decision was made to add a pop of color in order to associate with our modern day clients. People tend to notice bright colors on a shelf as opposed to black and white or neutral colors. On the inside of some of the packages they had gold paper in order to give them an almost Gutenburg Bible luxury feel. The vivid pop tone colors with old illustration style will also direct to both young and older audiences that are interested in crafts or books. Each piece of the kit was a different structure from each other.