Elizabeth Magana
Punch Fruit HeroShot.jpg

How to Punch Fruit

How to punch fruit


How to Punch Fruit was a fun infographic that showed a different way of making juice. The idea was to create an abnormal way of doing and everyday activity. From brainstorming, the topic that seemed to have more possible outcomes was “How to Make Juice” and from there the idea of fruit punch lead to “How to Punch Fruit”. It was a way of making juice in a completely new and entertaining way. In order for the person to be able to follow the infographic they would need the punching bag product.

The idea is that fruit and a little bit of juice or water is put in this punching bag and it is then hung up. The person using it could exercise and then when done drink the healthy juice that came out of hitting the fruit. When no more juice can come out then the lid can be removed in order to eat the pieces of fruit from the inside. The punching bag would be soft enough that when it is punched the fruit that is inside will feel the hit in order for the punches to get the most juice out. The graphics were personally made and then scanned in and worked with digitally. The colors chosen were very bright and full of energy. It was all laid out with simple instructions and small tips on what fruits have to offer nutritionally.